RANOLIP-500 SR Tablets

Restore Heart Health


COMPOSITION: Ranolazine 500 mg


  • Chronic Stable Angina



  • Class of medications: Non-traditional antianginal (weak direct vasodilator)
  • Proven antianginal medication in patients with symptomatic coronary heart disease.
  • Safe and effective option as monotherapy or as add-on therapy to reduce anginal symptoms in patients with chronic stable angina.
  • Significantly improves total exercise duration and time to angina compared with placebo

Exercise duration

Time to angina

Ranolazine 94 secs

Ranolazine 27 secs

Placebo 70 secs

Placebo 407.3 secs

  • Acts as metabolic modulator exhibiting no or minimal adverse hemodynamic effects.
  • Effective as an antiarrhythmic agent showing a reduced frequency of clinically significant arrhythmias (73.7%) compared with the placebo group (83.1%).