AMOXYPEN-500-LB Capsule

 A Powerful Antibacterial That Always Works 

COMPOSITION: Amoxicillin trihydrate 500 mg 

AMOXYPEN-500-LB Capsule

Amoxicillin trihydrate (semisynthetic antibiotic/ penicillin-like antibiotics)

  • Widely used oral penicillin, exhibits a strong bactericidal activity with a high-level safety profile. 
  • Clinically effective & safe as amoxicillin/clavulanic in treating acute exacerbations of COPD in mild to moderate patients. 
  • Effective & safe in H. pylori eradication and is a recommended therapy considering the patient’s comfort. 
  • Efficacious as erythromycin in the treatment of severe pyoderma & is considered a first-line treatment in skin infections.
  • High-dose oral amoxicillin is equivalent to parenteral ampicillin for the treatment of severe pneumonia without underlying complications as per WHO recommendations. 




Amoxicillin trihydrate (semisynthetic antibiotic/ penicillin-like antibiotics)

  • Widely used oral penicillin exhibits a strong bactericidal activity with a high-level safety profile. 
  • Clinically effective & safe as amoxicillin/clavulanic in treating acute exacerbations of COPD in mild to moderate patients. 
  • Effective & safe in H. pylori eradication and is a recommended therapy considering the patient’s comfort. 
  • Efficacious as erythromycin in the treatment of severe pyoderma & is considered a first-line treatment in skin infections.
  • High-dose oral amoxicillin is equivalent to parenteral ampicillin for the treatment of severe pneumonia without underlying complications as per WHO recommendations.